简介:After surviving a murder attempt in the city, Maya, a down-on-her-luck young woman, learns that she may inherit a house in her ancestral village. With
简介:Sakinah, a poor single mom in an isolated village, is haunted by an evil spirit linked to Abu Jar, a man with misleading religious teachings, and Adam
简介:【heraldpop】“Show Me the Money 9”下半年全新启航 新赛制全面袭来Rapper生存战Mnet《#showmethemoney9#》正在接受Rapper报名,预计于下半年首播。韩国代表性的hiphop生存竞赛节目《show me the money》的第9季从今天(20日,
简介:《Begin Again Korea》为韩国JTBC的音乐节目,原为韩国顶级音乐人在海外陌生的城市挑战街头路演,因为突然发生的“新冠肺炎”导致平凡的日常停摆,因此本季是在熟悉的韩国,前往全国需要应援的不同地方,展开一场“维持距离街头公演音乐旅行”,将音乐作为礼物,以此安慰度过辛苦时间的韩国国民们。节