简介: Ransom is inspired by the professional experiences of crisis negotiator Laurent Combalbert who with his partner, Marwan Mery, are among the top nego
简介:Homeowners from across America come to sell their properties, on the spot, to one of four real-estate tycoons including Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman, Corco
简介:曾凭借《那年我学开车》(How I learned to drive)获得普利策奖的女剧作家宝拉?沃格尔(Paula Vogel)再接再厉,献上新作《有伤风化》(Indecent)。该剧在外百老汇收获无数好评后转到百老汇上演并几度加演,在柯尔特剧院连续演出128场,这也是65岁的沃格尔等待已久的百老
简介:瑞塔索(Morgan C. Jones 配音)是一只生活在大城市里的老鼠,他没什么朋友,还霉运连连。在一次躲避追逐时,他被火车带出城市,原本想要参加盛大的嘉年华,了结果却被甩在荒郊野外。他偶然得到一枚蛋,不久从里面孵出一只极其丑陋的小鸭子,瑞塔索为他取名丑小鸭(Kim Larney 配音)。丑小鸭一